News & Views

Social Impact

Stronger Together Empowerment Programme

Leuven’s Local Partnership, STEP, was officially launched successfully on June 20th. STEP stands for Stronger Together Empowerment Programme. Its mission is to support and accompany Leuven’s inhabitants who face multiple

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Field visit for PES directors and experts

OrientaEuro hosted a field visit for PES directors and experts from several countries as part of the “Effectiveness of Active Labour Market Policies in fragile socio-economic and post-conflict contexts” organised

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Alumni meeting

When people work together towards common goals, they share strong values and create meaningful relationships that transcend work. For this reason, we also greatly value alumni meetings and are proud

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Partnership with Zara

As part of the Click! project, we had the opportunity to visit one of our partners: Zara of the Inditex group. Our young participants explored the store and the stockroom,

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Click! in the press

The NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Programme by Actiris, co-financed by the European Social Fund, has attracted media attention, and as a partner, we had the opportunity to

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Inclusion at the workplace

Inclusion at the workplace, with positions regardless of age, gender, or nationality, was at the core of the kickstart of a screening and hiring initiative, organized by JobRoad ivzw on

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